[Changes approved by the Board July 2019]
The POLICIES enacted by the Board allow the flexibility to manage the League on a day-to-day basis. These can be referred to as best practices by which the organization operates.
Policies and procedures may be altered, added to, or deleted by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
Any Committee Chair may propose a Policy for the Board’s consideration.
All members of the San Francisco League must adhere to these Policies.
The PROCEDURES are how the Policies are applied or used. These can be changed to meet the needs of the organization.
Members of the San Francisco League are expected to conduct themselves in a professional and responsible manner in all San Francisco League activities.
The main forms of communication which serve the general membership of the San Francisco League include the In Tune newsletter, monthly Mark Your Calendar, Evites, and various electronic and paper notices.
All content should serve the functions of the San Francisco League and the Volunteer Council and will be evaluated and approved by the President for pertinence and relevance to the mission of the League before being sent to the General Membership.
Communication should be concise and to the point.
The President will create an annual budget for the League, and communicate to Committee Chairs their respective budgets.
The Treasurer should work closely with the President to keep the President informed of the League’s budget on an accrual basis. This would include providing the President with a monthly report on what funds the League currently has in the bank, what funds are projected to come in, what funds are projected to be disbursed, and the net projection for each month to the end of the year.
The annual dues for Active and Associate Members shall be decided by the Board of Directors with the approval of the general membership.
Member dues are used to conduct the business of the league including meetings, notices, handbook, and other related expenses.
The annual dues statements will be sent via email no later than June 15, and payment in full is due by August 31. Dues statements will be sent by regular mail only to members who do not use email. Members whose dues are paid by August 31 shall be listed in the Handbook.
Active Member Annual Dues $160.00
Associate Member Annual Dues $120.00
Mid-year new Active Member Dues prorated at 50% of
current year’s dues
Active Member Reinstatement Fee $10.00
Honorary Member Annual Dues None
Delinquent Dues Fee $25.00
General Meeting Guest Fee $35.00
▪ A reminder notice of the August 31 dues deadline will be
sent by August 15.
▪ Dues not received by August 31 will be considered
▪ Dues after August 31 will be $165 for Active members
and $135 for Associate members, which will include the
$25 delinquent fee.
▪ If dues are not received by October 15, a delinquent
member can be dropped from membership.
A member may apply to the President for an exemption or reduction in dues based on residency, ill health or undue financial hardship.
The Treasurer will notify via email those Active members who have not met their SFL Annual Fundraiser obligation that their required donation of the cost of the lowest level ticket is due 30 days after the date of the Annual Fundraiser.
Meetings and administrative expenses include handbook, labels, name tags, printing/copies, invitations, postage and refreshments.
The President will create the preliminary annual budget for the League. She will communicate to the committee chairs the current respective budget. The Treasurer periodically updates the budget to accurately reflect actual income and expenses.
All reimbursed expenses must be pre-approved by the President.
Members are encouraged to submit meeting expenses for reimbursement. Members have the choice of submitting expenses for reimbursement or for making an in-kind donation.
A Member must submit expenses on the required Check Request Form, along with all receipts, to the President for approval. The President sends the approved check request form and accompanying receipts to the Treasurer who will make payment – OR – the member may instead choose to make an in-kind donation by using the SFL Donation Form.
Expenses that exceed the budgeted amount may or may not be reimbursed at the discretion of the Board.
Up to $499 Checks signed by the Treasurer or designated member of the Symphony’s Accounting Department
$500 – $999 Checks signed by the President and Treasurer
$1,000 and up Checks signed by President, Treasurer and the designated member of the Symphony’s Accounting Department
Every speaker or performer will be paid through the Symphony’s Accounting Department and charged to the League’s bank account.
The Meetings and Program Chair sends or emails the required reimbursement form to the performer or speaker. The performer submits this paperwork and ID directly to the SFS Accounting Department. The date of the performance must be included. Address of the SFS Accounting Dept.: San Francisco Symphony, Davies Symphony Hall, San Francisco, CA 94102, Attn: Finance Department
The Meetings and Program Chair submits a check request for approval by the President who then sends it to the SFL VC League Liaison.
There are different requirements for each of these categories:
▪ Musical performer other than SFS employees
▪ San Francisco Symphony musical performer
▪ Speakers or other instructors
Musical performer other than SFS employees:
Performers are required to submit Form W-4 and I-9 along with a photo copy of two forms of identification: social security card, driver’s license or passport directly to the SFS Finance Department, address below.
San Francisco Symphony musical performer:
Performers who are employees of SFS should have already supplied the I-9 and W-4. It is their responsibility to do so. No further paperwork is required from them. Speakers or other instructors are required to submit Form W-9 directly to SFS Finance Department.
Information required on the form:
▪ Date of request (vendor number will be filled in by Accounting Department)
▪ Name of League member requesting check
▪ Name of person to whom the check is addressed
▪ Item/Reason: (Examples: Penny Person, speaker for November 8 meeting; Marion Marimba, performer for November 8 meeting; postage for November 8 meeting.)
▪ Amount of check
▪ Any special address or delivery instructions
The purpose of Fundraising is to assist in carrying out the Mission of the League by providing volunteer service and financial assistance to the San Francisco Symphony.
The obligation of Active SFL members is to financially support the Annual Fundraiser at the minimum ticket level, whether or not they attend.
As part of our mission, the SFL produces an annual fundraising event. Descriptions of past Annual Fundraisers are in the History section of our League Handbook.
a. The SFL Board will present the concept of the Annual Fundraiser at the first Board meeting of the SFL year.
b. Immediately following appointment, the Annual Fundraising Chair will form the committees and begin organization of the event
c. Pre-sale letters should be distributed well in advance of the formal invitation mailing. The compilation and distribution of pre-sale letters are coordinated with the staff of the Volunteer Council. (Note: pre-sale letters may be optional).
d. Invitations should be sent out at least six weeks in advance of the event.
e. The SFL Annual Fundraiser normally occurs within the Fall/Spring timeframe. It is important to have the date fall on a day when a) the San Francisco Symphony is not performing, and b) there are no other events that will conflict with attendance of the SFL Fundraiser.
It is possible for smaller fundraising events to be held during the League year in addition to the SFL Annual Fundraiser. These events may be proposed by individual or groups of League members and submitted in writing to the Board for the Board’s review and approval.
Leadership roles require a substantial time commitment.
Members must be in good standing and acknowledge that they have read Job Descriptions, P&Ps and Standing Rules prior to accepting a leadership position.
Members in leadership roles shall be willing and able to fulfill their job descriptions and responsibilities.
Members in leadership roles are responsible for setting an example for all Active members to fulfill their obligation to financially support the SFL Annual Fundraiser.
A leader gives the time and commitment necessary to fulfill the requirements of the position she/he has accepted and takes an active role in acquiring members for the committee.
Leaders prepare agendas and make meetings meaningful and useful.
For some positions, miscellaneous volunteer-related expenses may occur.
The President will try to schedule three Combined Board & Chair Meetings throughout the year to foster leadership education and interaction.
a. Outgoing VPs and Chairs connect with their incoming counterparts to discuss continuity of VP and Chair positions.
b. Outgoing VPs and Chairs are responsible for passing on year-end reports to the President for timely inclusion in the League Annual Report.
c. Outgoing VPs and Chairs pass on any electronic or hardcopy records associated with their position to incoming counterparts.
The membership handbook is for the use of San Francisco League members only for conducting the business of the league. It may not be copied or used for any other purpose without the approval of the Board of Directors.
Active Members in good standing will be current in their dues, have monetarily supported the SFL Annual Fundraiser, and have attended the minimum required number of meetings or events.
Associate Members in good standing will be current in their dues. Support of the SFL Annual Fundraiser and attendance at meetings is encouraged but not required.
A member may resign in good standing in writing (letter or email) to the President, the Treasurer or the VP Member Development.
A member who resigns in good standing may reinstate at the same membership level by applying in writing to the President or the VP Member Development and paying the current dues and a $10.00 reinstatement fee.
• Invite prospective members to SFL meetings and events and introduce them to other League members.
• Explain the requirements of membership to the prospective member:
• Submit application for membership - including biography.
• Explain annual SFL Member obligations:•
· Pay Annual Dues
· Purchase one ticket for the SFL Fundraiser, Día de los Muertos
· Attend four SFL General Meetings or events
· Encourage to participate actively by serving on a committee or in a leadership position
· Support the SF Symphony by attending concerts and fundraising events
· Vote on matters brought to the General Membership of the SFL
· Sponsor new prospective members
· May apply for Associate Membership after four years as an Active member
• Contact Membership Chair to arrange for an application packet to be sent to the prospective member for their submission.
• Follow up with prospective member and Membership Chair: Confirm receipt of application and biography by the Membership Chair, who will then forward all information to the Database Chair and the VP Member Development.
• Follow up and assist your New Member by encouraging them to participate on a committee or in a leadership role.
• Prospective members meeting the requirements for membership are presented to the SFL Board by The VP Member Development, who has received their applications and biographies from the Membership Chair.
• Prospective members are voted on by the Board prior to the induction meeting. They are then inducted and presented as New Members at the November General Meeting - or - at the next Annual Meeting.
• Following induction as a new member, Sponsors and Membership Committee follow up by encouraging New Members to become actively involved – by taking a leadership position or serving on an SFL committee that interests them.
The Membership Chairs(s) will arrange a timely orientation for new members that may include
• Introduction to the Volunteer Council.
• San Francisco League Handbook.
• San Francisco League history, mission, organization, leadership, fundraisers, membership obligations and opportunities for participation as volunteers in League projects.
• Backstage tour of Davies Symphony Hall.
Each year the Nominating Committee shall be constituted to compile and present for a vote by Active members a leadership slate for the coming year.
The Nominating Chair, who will be part of the Nominating Slate for the next league year, will be selected by the Board at the January/February Board meeting. The Nominating Chair shall serve for a one (1) year term only.
The Nominating Committee shall consist of a cross section of those League members who have been Active members for a minimum of two years. The Nominating Chair, in conjunction with the VP Strategic Development, selects the Nominating Committee members.
The Nominating Committee shall consist of a minimum of five voting members, including the Chair. There must always be an odd number of voting members. The Nominating Chair does not vote except in the case of a tie.
The immediate Past President sits on the Nominating Committee in a non-voting capacity. The VP Strategic Development must attend all Nominating Meetings in a non-voting capacity.
The maximum number of consecutive years that a voting member may sit on the Nominating Committee is two. The current President cannot serve on the Nominating Committee.
Once the Nominating Committee has been selected, the VP Strategic Development will present the entire committee roster to the Board. The entire committee is listed on communications to the membership.
The Nominating Chair shall call for nominations from the membership by sending via email a nominating form, job descriptions, a list of Active members, and cover letter for the positions to be filled in the coming year.
Only members in good standing, i.e., dues paid, monetary support of the SFL Annual Fundraiser, meeting attendance and active participation may be considered for leadership positions. The Board will communicate this information to the Nominating Chair.
Members of the Nominating Committee may self-nominate or be nominated for a position or positions. They must excuse themselves from the premises for all discussion and voting of the position under discussion.
The position of Member At Large shall not be slated and shall be for a term of one (1) year. The membership will nominate and vote on this position at the March General Meeting.
The Nominating Committee is encouraged to seek input from the Board.
The Nominating Committee must confirm with each nominee their willingness to serve on the slate. Every nominee or self-nominee should be contacted prior to the slate being presented to the Board.
The VP Strategic Development, on behalf of the Nominating Chair, will present the Nominating Slate to the Board for their approval at the February Board meeting for review.
The slate must be sent to the membership at least 14 days prior to the voting meeting.
The President, VP Strategic Development, and the Nominating Chair shall annually update the Nominating Form, shall obtain current job descriptions, and shall prepare a cover letter to reflect the coming year’s open positions. The Nominating Form must include the names of the current Nominating Committee.
The Nominating Package, which will include the Nominating Form, job descriptions, and cover letter must be sent to Active and Associate members. Although Associate members may nominate, only Active members vote on the slate.
The Nominating Forms shall be returned to the Nominating Chair. Using that information the Chair and her committee fill the slate.
The Nominating chair will be provided with detailed job descriptions, new member biographical information, and a list of Active members in good standing. It is important that the Nominating Committee impress upon potential Board members and Committee Chairs that they be fully qualified (knowledge, experience, skill sets), willing and able to responsibly perform the duties of their position in a timely manner. Nominating forms should state these requirements clearly when a member is asked to self-nominate.
▪ October – Nominating Chair and the VP Strategic Development begin to select the Nominating committee.
▪ November – Nominating Chair, the VP Strategic Development and the President update the nominating form, obtain job descriptions and prepare a cover letter briefly explaining the the nomination procedure.
▪ Early January – Nominating Chair will send the Nominating Package (form, job descriptions, and cover letter) to all League members.
▪ Completed Nominating Forms are returned to the
Nominating Chair.
▪ Mid January – A reminder is sent to members to return the Nominating Form. Nominating Chair and committee meet to review nominees and to form the slate.
▪ February – VP Strategic Development presents the slate to the Board for their review at the February Board meeting.
▪ March – The Nominating slate will be sent to the League membership at least 14 calendar days prior to the voting meeting.
▪ Members vote on the slate at General Meeting.
▪ May/June – Officers are installed at Annual Meeting.