Policies and Procedures |
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Policies and Procedures

The Treasurer will notify via email those Active members who have not met their SFL Annual Fundraiser obligation that their required donation of the cost of the lowest level ticket is due 30 days after the date of the Annual Fundraiser.


The purpose of Fundraising is to assist in carrying out the Mission of the League by providing volunteer service and financial assistance to the San Francisco Symphony.

The obligation of Active SFL members is to financially support the Annual Fundraiser at the minimum ticket level, whether or not they attend.

As part of our mission, the SFL produces an annual fundraising event. Descriptions of past Annual Fundraisers are in the History section of our League Handbook.

It is possible for smaller fundraising events to be held during the League year in addition to the SFL Annual Fundraiser. These events may be proposed by individual or groups of League members and submitted in writing to the Board for the Board’s review and approval.


The membership handbook is for the use of San Francisco League members only for conducting the business of the league. It may not be copied or used for any other purpose without the approval of the Board of Directors.

A member may resign in good standing in writing (letter or email) to the President, the Treasurer or the VP Member Development.

A member who resigns in good standing may reinstate at the same membership level by applying in writing to the President or the VP Member Development and paying the current dues and a $10.00 reinstatement fee.