• Launched in 1980
• Leadership role in major all-Symphony events such as the Opening Night Gala, the historic Black and
White Balls, the Chinese New Year Concert, and the annual D.a de los Muertos event and concert
• One of eight Bay Area Leagues that support the San Francisco Symphony
• Member of the Symphony Volunteer Council (VC); a standing committee of the SFS Board of Governors, and a nationally recognized Symphony volunteer organization
• Coordinates volunteer groups, sets policies, and makes recommendations to the SFS Board of Governors.
• VC steering committee (VC40) oversees and reports on volunteer activities.
• VC serves as a major source of contributed income in the Symphony’s overall fundraising, contributing
approximately $2,000,000 annually
• VC contact: 415-503-5500, 201 Van Ness Ave., San Francisco, CA 94102
• Limited to 100 active members
• Unlimited number of Associate members (after four years of active service)
• Annual dues are $140.00 for Active members and $110.00 for Associate
• $35 fee for guests at regular meetings (waived for prospective members)
• Dues payable via check, by phone or online
• Attendance at a minimum of four SFL meetings or League-sponsored events per year
• Participation on committees or in leadership
• Purchase of tickets for our annual fundraiser, D.a de los Muertos concert and luncheon
• Attendance at symphony events encouraged
• Limited to 100 active members
• Unlimited number of Associate members (after four years of active service)
• Annual dues are $140.00 for Active members and $110.00 for Associate
• $35 fee for guests at regular meetings (waived for prospective members)
• Dues payable via check, by phone or online
• Attendance at a minimum of four SFL meetings or League-sponsored events per year
• Participation on committees or in leadership
• Purchase of tickets for our annual fundraiser, D.a de los Muertos concert and luncheon
• Attendance at symphony events encouraged
President: Polly Gardner
Co-President Elect: Janet Chapman & PJ Handeland
Vice President Education: Robin Giustina
Vice President Fundraising: Amanda Sargisson
Vice President Member Development: Marilu Donnici
Vice President Strategic Development: Pat Pendergast
Treasurer: Debora Gaspari
Recording Secretary: Suzanne Vuko
Communications Secretary: Judy Shulman
Member at Large: Sue Kanke
Immediate Past President: Kathy Paul
Advocacy: Theresa Moore
Annual Meeting 2025: Pamela Culp
Annual Fundraiser: Sharon Seto
Audience Development: Maureen Buick, Lina Pritchard, Misty Tyree, & Sabrina Raphael
Database:Pat Pendergast
Historian: Marie Growney
Music for Families: Susan Tahawi
Meetings & Programs: Pamela Culp & Kathleen Anderson
Membership: Marilu Donnici, Pamela Culp, Katie Colendich
Newsletter Editor: Judy Shulman
Nominating: Janet Chapman & Pamela Culp
Opening Night (Gala) Rep 2024: Sharon Seto
Opening Night (Gala) Rep 2025: Bilques Smith
Youth Orchestra: Sharon L. Litsky & Chrissy O’Gara
Web & Newsletter Design: Amanda Sargisson