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The mission of the League is to provide volunteer service and financial assistance to the San Francisco Symphony as well as to encourage audience development and educational opportunities. 


Over the years, members of the SFL have presented unique and exciting fundraising events to support the San Francisco Symphony. Currently the SFL plays a major role in supporting the vibrant, popular, annual Dia de los Muertos concert by sponsoring a pre-concert Celebration Luncheon fundraiser that is well attended by League  members, guests and the community at large. This year, with the Covid-19 virus sidelining the traditional Dia celebration, we are busy thinking up creative ways to have virtual fundraisers this fall.


The community focus of the SFL is to support music education and music experience for SF students not included in the Symphony’s Adventures In Music program (which serves San Francisco public schools). Currently, the SFL sponsors students from the Immaculate Conception   Academy to attend Youth Orchestra concerts in Davies Symphony Hall. 


The San Francisco League is one of eight Leagues in the Bay Area that support the San Francisco Symphony (SFS) through their volunteer activities. They are: Junior Committee, Marin, Metropolitan, Mid Peninsula, San Francisco, Silicon Valley, Symphonix, Upper Peninsula. 

Additionally, other volunteer entities and affiliated groups support the Symphony in a variety of ways. Together, including the League members, approximately 1,500 volunteers support the SFS. These volunteers make up the Symphony Volunteer Council (VC), which is a standing committee of the SFS Board of Governors, and a nationally recognized Symphony volunteer organization. 

The VC coordinates the activities of affiliated groups and serves as a forum for discussion and exchange of ideas, determines policies for affiliated volunteer groups and projects, and makes recommendations to the SFS Board of Governors. 

A steering committee, often referred to as the VC40, meets bi-monthly at Davies Symphony Hall to oversee and report on volunteer activities. 

The Volunteer Council seeks to raise public awareness of the SFS, help the SFS broaden its audience base to reflect the diversity of the Bay Area, and contribute to the SFS annual operating budget through League contributions and special events. The VC serves as a major source of contributed income in the Symphony’s overall fundraising annually. Through the activities of all the Leagues and four to five SFS special events during the fiscal year between September 1 and August 31, the annual contribution is  approximately $2,000,000.